Open Faculty Position in 2024

The UCL Information Security group have an open position in 2024. A summary of the key information is available here, and further details can be found in the job description and the recording of the information session below.

Open position

Lecturer (equivalent to Assistant Professor), Associate Professor or Professor, depending on experience (8/9/10 on salary scale)

Application material

  • CV
  • Statement of research interests and plans (up to 2 pages)
  • Statement of teaching interests and experience (up to 2 pages)
  • Names of three referees (references will be requested from shortlisted candidates)

For full details, see the job description.

Submission portal

Apply for the open position

Please upload your research statement and teaching statement as attachments “Research Paper 1” and “Research Paper 2” in the application system.

Key dates

  • Information session: 12 December 2023, 2–3pm (UK time)
  • Closing date: 31 January 2024
  • Interviews: 26 February to 8 March 2024

Information session


What’s the proportion of time expected for teaching?
UCL Computer Science has no formal workload model, but after a gradual ramping up of teaching duties, we would normally expect faculty members to teach two modules each academic year. This is normally around 30 hours of contact time per module.
Is there any guideline to choose the position to apply for?
There's no need to specify a position at this stage as this would be something for the successful candidate to negotiate. To get a rough idea of the expectation of each level, see the Academic Career Framework.
Is there going to be a vacancy for just one senior (professor), or for instance two lecturers?
Currently there is approval for one position. Additional positions have not been ruled out, but approval would depend on pool of candidates and budget.
Are you looking for someone in [my area]?
We are looking for someone with knowledge and track-record of a relevant subject area and a demonstrated link to how this will grow research and teaching in the Information Security area. As such, we are open to a very wide area of expertise. If you are not sure, feel free to ask or just apply.
Will UCL allocate PhD studentship(s)? Would these be available to be taken up by international PhD students?
The details of a start-up package would be negotiated with the Head of Department.
How are lecturers evaluated? Is there a funding goal and/or publication target etc?
There are no fixed targets for funding or publications, and expectations would depend on the specific field of the staff member. See the Academic Career Framework for guidance.
Are the requirements the same for all the positions? I am about to finish my Ph.D., so shall I also submit a research plan?
The application material is the same for all roles but we would of course have different expectations of the content depending on the experience of the applicant.
Are the lecturers positions limited to specific number of years?
These are all permanent roles. Positions are subject to successful completion of probation (up to 3 years) but this is much less onerous than tenure-track and we would expect everyone to successfully complete their probation.
What’s the degree of flexibility on the starting date?
The start date is flexible and can be negotiated with the Head of Department.
Are part-time (say 80%) positions also considered?
Yes, all requests for part-time working will be considered. We have several members of faculty on various part-time contracts.
How much growth are you expecting in the next 5 years or so, in terms of number of faculty?
Currently this is the only faculty position planned for the research group, but depending on strategic review and budget there may be further growth in the future.

Further information

  • Ms Silpa Shah, Administrator for the Information Security Research Group: silpa.shah AT
  • Professor Steven Murdoch, Head of Information Security Research Group: s.murdoch AT
  • Professor Steve Hailes, Head of Department: s.hailes AT