UCL ISec Members
Academic Staff
Madeline Carr
Professor of Global Politics and Cyber Security
Tristan Caulfield
Associate Professor
Director of the Research Institute in Sociotechnical Cyber Security (RISCS)
Lorenzo Cavallaro
Professor of Computer Science
Leader of the Systems Security Research Lab
George Danezis
Professor of Security and Privacy Engineering
Part-time, also Chief Scientist at Mysten Labs
Arthur Gervais
Philipp Jovanovic
Professor in Information Security
MSc Information Security Programme Director
Sarah Meiklejohn
Professor of Cryptography and Security
Part-time, also Staff Research Scientist at Google UK
Fabio Pierazzi
Associate Professor
David Pym
Professor of Information, Logic, and Security
Steven Murdoch
Professor of Security Engineering, Head of Group
Royal Society University Research Fellow
M. Angela Sasse
Professor of Human-Centred Technology
Part-time, also Professor at Ruhr-University Bochum
Leonie Tanczer
Associate Professor
UKRI Future Leaders Fellow
Marie Vasek
Mark Warner
Research Staff
Aydin Abadi
Senior Research Fellow
Jose Tomas Llanos
Research Fellow
Madeleine Janickyj
Research Fellow
Nikolaos Koukopoulos
Research Fellow
Centre Administrators
- Samantha Bottomley | MSc Information Security Administrator
- Silpa Shah | UCL InfoSec Centre Administrator
- Isabelle Gressel | UCL InfoSec Gender & Tech Lab Research Administrator
Doctoral Researchers
- Sharad Agarwal
- Daniel Blackwell
- Filippo Blancato
- Sergi Bray
- Gerard Buckley
- Thomas Cattermole
- Theo Hoifung Chow, Visitor
- Ahana Datta
- Killian Davitt
- Kyriacos Demetriou
- Giulio De Pasquale, Visitor
- Jennifer Dwyer-Joyce
- Alexandros Efstratiou
- Aliai Eusebi
- Stefanos Evripidou
- Georgi Ganev
- Jason Gray, Visitor
- Xin Fan Guo, Visitor
- Niamh Healy
- Alexander Hicks
- Hawra Hosseini-Milani
- Marius Ilau
- Marios Isaakidis
- Zeliang “Marcus” Kan, Visitor
- George Kappos
- Alireza Kavousi
- Emmanouil Koulas
- Demelza Luna Reaver
- Shae McFadden, Visitor
- Chizzy Meka
- Nadine Michaelides
- Reza Moqadasi
- Mohammad Naseri
- Lilly Neubauer
- Marilyne Ordekian
- Kärt Padur
- Antonis Papasavva
- Feargus Pendlebury, Visitor
- Ilaria Pia Del Torre
- Dan Ristea
- Maria Santos
- Maria Schett
- Lauren Scott, Visitor
- Henry Skeoch
- Karolina Skrivankova
- Guy Thompson
- Arianna Trozze
- Antoine Vendeville
- Charles Westphal
- Matthew Wixley
- Haaroon Yousaf