M. Angela Sasse's list of research projects
Current Projects
- TARGET - Transformative, Adaptive, Responsive and enGaging EnvironmenT - EU funded Large-Scale Integrated Project (IP)
- PVNets Privacy Value Networks - EPSRC funded
Past Projects
- Trust Economics
- EEAP - Easy Expression of Authorisation Policies
- KnowDis - Knowledge Discovery and Dissemination in Organizations (Collaborative Project with CA Labs of CA Technology)
- HIGHERVIEW High-quality video over networks (funded by BT)
- TACO - Teaching And Coursework Online (UCL Internal Project)
- UNIC UNIversal satellite home Connection - EU Information Society Technology Framework Programme 6
- INTERNET-2 Pricing Networks (with Jon Crowcroft) funded by UKERNA
- Evaluation Taxonomy for Networked multimedia Applications - ETNA - EPSRC MNA project (with Anne Anderson & Jim Mullin, Glasgow University)
- Multimedia Authoring for Language Tutors and Educational Development - MALTED - EU Telematics Project
- Exploring Mental Models for Application in Networking and Telephony Environments - EMMANATE -EPSRC Project, with Sussex Univ. & BT Labs.
- High-quality resilient video over existing networks HIGHVIEW - BT/JISC SuperJanet Applications Project with Essex University
- Piloting IP Videoconferencing 2 - PIPVIC-2 - funded by UKERNA
- Piloting IP Videoconferencing PIPVIC - funded by UKERNA
- Remote Language Teaching over SuperJanet ReLaTe - JTAP Project with Exeter University
- Shrinkwrapping Multicast Packages SHRIMP - funded by UKERNA
- LAN-based Videoconferencing ALAVIT - funded by UKERNA
- Multimedia European Research Conferencing MERCI - EU Telematics Project
- Was Project Manager of the MICE (Multimedia Integrated Conferencing for Europe) Project.
- Was Principal Investigator and Project Manager of the MICE National Support Centres MICE-NSCs
This page was last modified on 05 Jun 2015.
M. Angela Sasse
Head of Information Security Research
6.22, Malet Place Engineering
+44 020 7679 7212
+44 020 7387 1397
a.sasse [at] cs.ucl.ac.uk